
Registrar's Office and Student Success

The Office of the Registrar and Student Success helps students with registration, graduation, academic advising, and more!

Casey Evans
Registrar  and Director of Student Success


Ben Béland
Associate Registrar


Lauren Davis
Assistant Registrar for Graduate Studies


Carolynn Dishong
Assistant Registrar for Undergraduate Studies


Eric Reeves
Registrar Systems and Advising Coordinator


Samantha Chaulsett
New Student Advisor


Kelby Beeson
New Student Advisor


Ella McGibney
Graduation Coordinator


Cierra Johnson
International Student Specialist


Dev Villarreal
Student Advisor


Jase Robles
Student Advisor


Forms on the

  • Enrollment Verification
  • Transcript Evaluation Request
  • Graduation Application

Click here for these Forms

2025 May Graduates 


Graduation Guides


Application Deadlines

  • January 31 (no fees)
  • February 28 (late fees apply)


Commencement Weekend Information

2025 December Graduates 


The application for 2025 December Graduation will open alongside registration for the Fall 2025 semester! The application will be available in the student portal. Please email graduation@nobts.edu with any questions.


Information and Submissions:

  • to navigate to the student portal.
  • For any changes to your graduation application, please email graduation@nobts.edu.
  • Please ensure ALL information is correct prior to submitting the form. If you need to change any information in your student account, please contact the Registrar's Office.


The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was implemented in 1974 as a federal law to protect the privacy of student education records. FERPA also gives students the right to review their education records, seek to amend inaccurate information in their records, and provide consent for the disclosure of their records. This law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.


According to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), NOBTS & Leavell College ensures proper processing of students’ personally identifiable information (PII). No individual without legitimate official educational or legal interests may access a student’s PII without prior written consent from the student. In regard to his or her personally identifiable information, the student retains the following rights:

  1. The Student has the right to review his or her academic records by contacting the Registrar’s Office (registrar@nobts.edu). The student may also request to amend the record if he or she believes the information is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the student’s rights.
  2. If the initial request for amendment is denied by the Registrar’s Office, the student has the right to appeal the decision with the Dean of Students Office (dos@nobts.edu).
  3. The student will maintain the right to be contacted and requested in order to disclose his or her records.

Students wishing to request that specific third-parties have access to their account information may complete the appropriate selection in their student portal. This serves as a waiver of the student’s rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for the specified third-parties.

NOBTS & Leavell College retains the right to disclose certain information, designated as directory information, without prior consent from the student. The following pieces of information have been designated as directory information: 

  1. Student Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Address (Physical, phone, email)
  4. Dates of Attendance
  5. Degrees and Program of Study pursued/conferred
  6. Participation in Campuses organizations and Intramurals
  7. Graduation Status
A student may opt out of disclosure for directory information through the “My FERPA” section of the student portal. Making changes in the student’s portal will require the school to get student consent to disclose any directory information except in cases of official educational or legal interest.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can register for courses on your student portal! You can also drop courses through your student portal. Navigate to our for relevant links.

You can schedule an advising appointment through ! Academic advising can help you plan for your next semester, ensure you are in the appropriate degree for your calling, and make sure you’re on track for graduation.

Select the “Student Forms” tab above to find a list of different forms to request items or transactions from the Registrar’s Office. These include transcript requests, enrollment verifications, requests to withdraw, requests to change your degree, and more!

You must complete a request for transcript evaluation form through your student portal for each transcript that you need evaluated. You will only be charged one transcript evaluation fee. In order to evaluate transcripts, these transcripts must be official transcripts and received directly by our institution. Paper or digital transcripts are not official if received directly from the student (unless in a sealed envelope by the previous institution’s registrar’s office.)

Class schedules can be found for all program levels by clicking here! We update the course schedules periodically during the academic year. If you have questions about when specific courses will be offered, please work with our office!

We offer a variety of course formats for both our on-campus students and our distance-learning students. Taking a mixture of course formats can maximize flexibility and save costs! Please make sure to be attentive to financial aid requirements and preferences, campus housing policies, and tuition and fee implications for the various course formats. To learn more about the different course formats, please click here.