
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How are Courses Delivered?

The Professional Doctoral Program is organized around three semesters per year. The Fall Semester runs from August-December, the Spring Semester runs from January-May, and the Summer Semester runs from May-July. Workshops are generally scheduled for the first two weeks of the semester and seminars meet throughout each semester. 

All workshops are held on the 91做厙 campus with synchronous broadcast via NOLA2U for our distance students. Workshops are 2 or 4 days in duration. Seminars are 3 days in duration in a compressed format. Most seminars are conducted at NOBTS and available through NOLA2U as well. However, some seminars are conducted at a ministry location. Occasionally, Special Event Seminars are offered in conjunction with selected campus and off-campus events like convention meetings, local church conferences, mission projects, etc. These seminars normally involve interaction with an elected faculty member at the event location. 

Where are Courses Offered?

Unless otherwise noted seminars meet on the main campus and are available via individual participation through NOLA2U (synchronous interactive video). 

What are the Program's Requirements?

What Kind of On-Campus Work is Involved?


All workshops and most seminars are offered at the 91做厙 campus but available through NOLA2U (synchronous interactive video). Workshops are best taken at the 91做厙 campus. Occasionally seminars may be offered only on campus or a local ministry site. 


Up to one-half of the student's seminars (including Special Events) may be taken independent of on-campus meetings under the direction of an elected faculty member. 

  • Specialized Directed Studies: Students may petition a professor to design a directed study which addresses some specific area related to his/her specialization, project, or other area of interest.
  • Directed Studies Paralleling On-Campus Seminars: Students may choose to take an on-campus seminar as a directed study.

How Long Does the Program take to Complete?

DURATION: Most students complete the degree in 3-4 years. However, students have up to 6 years to finish the program. 

COURSE LOAD: 8 hours maximum per semester

How Much does the Program Cost?



  • The Providence Guest House, NOBTS private guest house, provides housing for seminary students and families at a low cost. Please visit   for more information.
  • The cafeteria is open for breakfast and lunch for Fall and Spring semsters.
  • There are many inexpensive restaurants and housing accommodations near the campus and city. 


What Prior Education do I Need?

Qualifying degrees are a Master of Divinity, ministry-related master's degree, or other professional degrees that may be considered with leveling work.


How do I get started?

First go through the steps outlined in the 91做厙 ProcessThen consult and be aware of the following important dates for the semester which you intend to begin in:

Fall Semester

  • Application Deadline is July 1st.
  • Registration period March 22-April 14.
  • New Students can register to July 5th.

Spring Semester

  • Application Deadline is December 1st.
  • Registration period October 22-November 14.
  • New students can register to December 6th.

Summer Semester

  • Application Deadline is April 1st.
  • Registration period March 22-April 14.
  • New Students can register to April 17th.
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